"Billiary-cast" syndrome in a patient with acute biliary pancreatitis and pulmonary embolism.
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Submission date: 2024-02-27
Acceptance date: 2024-10-08
Publication date: 2024-12-30
Corresponding author
Vladyslav Makarov   

General surgery №1, O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2024;77(12):2559-2562
To report a case of "Biliary-cast" syndrome in a patient without previous medical history of liver transplantation

Material and methods:
Medical files of a patient were studied and documented. A literature review based on available data on "pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" was performed.

Case report:
The given paper describes a case of treating "Biliary - Cast Syndrome" in a patient with acute biliary pancreatitis and pulmonary embolism. "BCS" is most often encoutered in clinical pratice as a complication of liver transplantation. There are singular cases of "BCS" in patient without history of liver transplantation presented in literature. In our case post-operative period of endoscopic papilosphincterotomy for acute biliary pancreatitis was complicated by pulmonary embolism with further development of BCS and cholangiogenic absceses.

The problem of “Biliary-cast” syndrome remains insufficiently studied, now this syndrome occurs less and less often as a complication after liver transplantation due to the evolution of surgical technique. The occurrence of “Biliary-cast” syndrome without liver transplantation is represented by isolated cases in the world literature, often in severe, comorbid patients.
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