Biomarkers of inflomation in the blood of patients with the degenerative lumbar spine disease and complications after transpedicular fixation
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Submission date: 2024-03-13
Final revision date: 2024-07-30
Acceptance date: 2024-11-04
Publication date: 2024-12-30
Corresponding author
Oleksander Barkov
Spine Pathology, Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology Ukrainian National Academy of Medical Sciences, Ukraine
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2024;77(12):2412-2418
To investigate the peculiarities of deviations of preoperative values of biochemical markers of inflammation in the blood serum of patients with degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine after transpedicular fixation, with a complicated postoperative course to predict the development of various postoperative complications.
Material and methods:
The content of glycoproteins (GP), sialic acids (SA), C-reactive protein (CRP), seroglicoids (SG), haptoglobin (HG), Veltman`s test (VT) were investigated. The results are comparable by the Student-Fisher method.
When compared to data of the control group, patients without complications showed 37.21% higher content of SA, by 67.36% – HG, by 56.70% – CRP, by 22.22% – VT; in patients with soft tissue inflammation – an increase of 136.84% of HG content, 86.00% – SA, 160.00% – CRP and a decrease in 51.11% of VT; in patients with hypercoagulation, the content of GP, SA, HG, CRP is higher by 109.30%, 82.00%, 131.57% and 133.33%, and VT – less by 48.48%; in patients with screw instability, the level of GP is higher by 48.83%, HG – by 78.94%, the SA – by 19.00%, the CRP – by 53.53% and lower VT – by 15.56%; with several complications GP more than 93.02%, SA – by 69.00%, HG – by 123.16%, CRP – by 111.33% of VT – lower by 40.00%.
According to our data, the indicators that are more suitable for predicting the development of complications are CRP, GH, and CA. However, none of the studied indicators is universal, and their prediction requires the use of diagnostic complexes.
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