Clinical characteristics of temporomandibular disorders in a sample of Iraqi patients
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Department of oral diagnosis, College of dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq, Iraq
Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq, Iraq
Submission date: 2024-02-01
Acceptance date: 2024-12-10
Publication date: 2025-01-31
Corresponding author
Rana Murtadha Hasan   

Department of oral diagnosis, College of dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq, Iraq
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2025;(1):143-147
Background: Temporomandibular disorder is characterized by clinical indications and symptoms affecting masticatory muscles and associated tissues. It does not affect individuals equally, and not everyone is equally susceptible to it. Aims: The study aims mainly to evaluate the symptoms and indicators that people with TMD experience and encourage them to seek treatment at an academic oral medicine clinic.

Material and methods:
Materials and Methods: The study includes temporomandibular joint patients who visited the oral medicine clinic at the University of Baghdad's College of Dentistry between October 2021 and May 2022. The information was gathered from temporomandibular joint patients' medical records.

Result: In the research herein, 323 patients in total were included, females 234(72.4%) and 89(27.6%) males, the patient's mean age was (31.38 ± 14.085), and there was no discernible gender difference in mean age. In this study, the most prevalent temporomandibular joint signs and symptoms were temporomandibular joint clicking 73.6% with no significant difference between females and males. In comparison, dislocation is the least prevalent and the most prevalent muscle spasm was the masseter muscle with a percentage of 50.4%) while the sternocleidomastoid muscle is the least one.

Conclusion: The research results demonstrated a significant prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorder and the necessity of preventing it to improve the overall well-being of people in general.
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