Correlation between endometriosis and migraine headache - a review of literature
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Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Student Scientific Society, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Student of the Faculty of Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Franciszek Raszeja Memorial Municipal, Hospital in Poznań, Poland
University Clinical, Hospital in Poznan, Poland
Submission date: 2024-07-08
Final revision date: 2024-10-11
Acceptance date: 2024-10-15
Publication date: 2024-12-23
Corresponding author
Jacek Kurzeja   

Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2024;77(11):2353-2358
Introduction and aim. Endometriosis and migraine are common diseases that share many features, and their co-occurrence is the subject of numerous studies. Nevertheless, there is no effective treatment for these diseases and diagnosis is often delayed. This review aims to present correlations between these conditions, which can improve diagnosis and treatment. Material and methods. The inclusion criteria were original articles published between 2019 and 2024 describing the correlation between endometriosis and migraine. Analysis of literature. The study describes the connection between endometriosis and migraine, presenting it in a concise and easy to analyze way. The importance of the problem of co-occurrence of endometriosis and migraine was emphasized and the latest articles were analyzed, which differed in the way of determining the correlation between these diseases, but nevertheless confirmed the connection between the two. Conclusion. Endometriosis and migraine are very important problems, which share many correlations. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment can improve patients' quality of life. All recent publications have confirmed the correlations between these diseases and agree on looking for the features of migraine in patients with endometriosis and looking for endometriosis in patients with migraine.
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