Gender dimorphism of neurodynamic and cognitive functions of sub-elite and elite athletes (on the example of sports acrobatics)
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Department of Special Physical Training, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine
Department of Special Physical Training, Dnipropetrov State University of Internal Affairs Ukraine, Ukraine
Department of Tactical and Special Training, Dnipropetrov State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine
Department of Physical Education and Sports, Dnipropetrov National University Named by Oles Honchar, Dnipro, Ukraine
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Physical Education, National University "Chernigiv College" Named After T.G. Shevchenka, Chernigiv, Ukraine
Submission date: 2024-05-14
Final revision date: 2024-10-31
Acceptance date: 2024-12-09
Publication date: 2025-01-31
Corresponding author
Natalia Veronika Bachynska
Department of Special Physical Training, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Gagarin Avenue 26, 49005, Dnipro, Ukraine
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2025;(1):61-70
To evaluate the impact of a specific acrobatic load on the neurodynamic and cognitive functions of acrobats, as well as to study how these functions change depending on the gender, age and level of sports qualification of athletes (sub-elite and elite athletes).
Material and methods
Athletes specializing in pair and group acrobatics, of two age categories: 1. Sub-elite - athletes of puberty age, which included: girls (n=32), average age 13.96±1.02 years; boys (n=36), average age 14.88±2.32 years. 2. Youth acrobats (elite athletes): girls (n=30), average age 19.36±2.86 years; young men (n=34), average age 20.38±2.89. The computer program "Diagnost-1" was used in researches
In female acrobats, the latency period of simple visual-motor information, the latent period of the visual-motor reaction to choosing two out of three stimuli are statistically different from those of young acrobats. Boys acrobats are faster in terms of functional mobility of nervous processes than girls in both age categories (at p<0.05). A greater amount of processed information was found in acrobat boys than in adolescent girls. According to the indicators of cognitive characteristics features of sexual dimorphism between acrobats of different age categories were revealed due to different information processing strategies taking into account sexual characteristics
Boys-acrobats of puberty and adolescence showed more effective processing of simple and complex visual-motor information compared to girls-acrobats of the same age categories. The indicators of neurodynamic and cognitive functions of young acrobats are better than those of pubescent athletes and different by gender (p<0.05)
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