Radial shock wave therapy with “Intelect PRW Lite” for calcifying tendinopathy of the shoulder, comparative effectiveness with conventional physical therapy and follow up data
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Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Private Medical practice Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Medical Biophysics, Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB), Sofia 1111, Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical Center Medicus, Bulgaria
Department of PM&R, Specialised Rehabilitation hospital, Banya, Bulgaria, Bulgaria
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2024-03-17
Final revision date: 2024-10-08
Acceptance date: 2024-11-04
Publication date: 2024-12-30
Corresponding author
Radostina Hristova Simeonova   

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Private Medical practice Plovdiv, Trakia, bl181, D, 4023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2024;77(12):2451-2456
The effectiveness of radial shock wave therapy for treating chronic calcifying tendinopathy of the shoulder is still controversial concerning the doses, methods and follow up. The purpose of the study is to reveal the criteria for effective treatment of this pathology and to compare it with the conventional physical factors.

Material and methods:
The research has been taken on 60 people, A control group (CG), including 30 people, treated with basic therapy and experimental group (EG). including 30 people, treated with the same basic therapy and RSWT once per week for seven consecutive weeks. The effect of the treatment was shown by: sonographic examination before and after treatment, physical tests for motor skills in shoulder region, scale of pain and the range of motion (ROM).

The results have high statistical significance (p<0,001) for both groups. The comparision between EG and CG (p<0,001) proves that usage of RSWT reduces the pain quicker and restores mobility in the shoulder region in a shorter period than conventional physical therapy and only in the EG there is reduction in the parameters of the calcifications and total disappearance in the follow up.

The results have high statistical significance (p<0,001) for both groups. The statistical difference between EG and CG (p<0,001) proves that usage of RSWT reduces the pain quicker and restores mobility in the shoulder region in a shorter period than conventional physical therapy and only the patients in the EG have reduction in the parameters of the calcifications and total disappearance in the follow up.
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